The Cook Islands have launched new Antibiotic Guidelines during the Word Health Organisation (WHO) antibiotic awareness week. The week aims to to improve awareness of the problem of antibiotic resistance and to change the way antibiotics are used.
Included across multiple sections of the Guideline is Microdacyn super-oxidised solution. Microdacyn has a non-antibiotic local effect to physically destroy bacteria, fungi, viruses and hard to kill bacterial spores. Microdacyn is used to irrigate and debride the wound or skin damage, creating an optimal healing environment. Microdacyn through reducing the microbial load treats and prevents local infection.
A proven alternative to antibiotics Microdacyn has the significant advantage of not increasing the risk of antibiotic resistance.
The Cook Island Ministry of Health story is available here. You can also click for further information on Microdacyn
