Nov 14, 2023Te Arai BioFarma to be principal supplier of budesonide 3mg capsulesFrom 1 November 2023 Budesonide Te Arai (3mg capsules) will be funded by Pharmac, as a result of Pharmacs annual tender.[1] Budesonide Te...
Dec 8, 2022Anti-cancer medicine oral vinorelbine to be Pharmac fundedFrom 1 May 2023 oral vinorelbine capsules (vinorelbine Te Arai) will be fully funded by Pharmac, without restriction.[1] Oral vinorelbine...
Jul 15, 2022MacroBID® now Pharmac funded on the PSO Updated: July 1, 2022 PHARMAC has now implemented widened funded access to the first line UTI treatment MacroBID® modified release...